Jae Marple
French, Spanish and Portuguese to English Translator Specialising in Sport, Tourism and International Development
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Portuguese to English
Darts Article
Dardos: José de Sousa escolhido para disputar Premier League em 2021
Antigo carpinteiro da Azambuja diz que está «nas nuvens»
O português José de Sousa foi escolhido para disputar a Premier League de dardos em 2021, segundo anunciou esta segunda-feira a Professional Darts Corporation (PDC), um dia depois de terminado o Mundial da modalidade, em Londres.
O jogador ribatejano foi eliminado pelo inglês Mervyn King na terceira ronda do Campeonato do Mundo, conquistado por Gerwyn Price, mas as boas prestações alcançadas ao longo do ano valeram-lhe um dos seis wild cards para disputar a competição organizada pela Sky Sports.
«É uma grande notícia, porque se trata de uma Liga de primeira classe, onde só jogam os dez melhores jogadores de todo o mundo. Melhor do que isto não podia acontecer. Estou nas nuvens», disse José de Sousa em declarações à agência Lusa.
A Premier League de dardos é uma competição exclusiva, na qual participam apenas os quatro primeiros classificados da Ordem de Mérito PDC, que engloba os resultados dos últimos dois anos, e seis wild cards escolhidos pela organização.
«Para além de ter sido o quinto melhor do último ano, creio que a maior influência na decisão da organização foi ter ganho o Grand Slam [em novembro]. Isso ajudou-me bastante para ser selecionado para a Premier League», comentou o jogador natural da Azambuja.
Desta forma, José de Sousa vai competir com Gerwyn Price, Michael van Gerwen, Peter Wright e Rob Cross, além dos wild cards Gary Anderson, Glen Durrant, Nathan Aspinall, Dimitri Van den Bergh e um último jogador que só será anunciado após o torneio The Masters, no final deste mês.
A Premier League 2021 estava agendada para ter início a 4 de fevereiro, mas foi adiada para data a determinar, segundo a organização, «nunca antes da Páscoa», devido à pandemia de covid-19.
Na competição, que teve a sua primeira edição em 2005, os participantes defrontam-se em duas fases de todos contra todos. No final da primeira fase, os dois últimos classificados são eliminados, e na segunda fase os quatro primeiros passam à final e os quatro últimos ficam pelo caminho.
A final é disputada pelos quatro melhores classificados na play-off night (noite de play-off) em sistema de eliminatória.
«Em primeiro lugar, nunca me passou pela cabeça que algum dia pudesse jogar a Premier League. Agora é tentar ganhar o máximo de jogos e confrontos possíveis. Se conseguir, quem sabe se poderemos voltar a falar de um novo título», admitiu o jogador português.
Em novembro de 2020, José de Sousa tornou-se no primeiro estreante a vencer o Grand Slam da Professional Darts Corporation (PDC), ao bater o inglês James Wade, na final, por 16-12.
Foi o melhor resultado de sempre de um jogador de dardos português no circuito profissional, a juntar aos triunfos no European Darts Grand Prix, em outubro, e aos Players Championships de Barnsley e Dublin, em 2019.
José de Sousa, de 46 anos, natural da Azambuja, ganhou o cartão de jogador do ProTour em 2019, ano em que deixou de lado a sua profissão de carpinteiro e passou a dedicar-se a tempo inteiro aos dardos.
Os resultados obtidos ao longo do último ano valeram-lhe o quinto lugar na Ordem de Mérito do Pro Tour, com um total de 63.500 libras em prémios (cerca de 70 mil euros), de acordo com o site da Professional Darts Corporation.
Nos últimos dois anos, José de Sousa acumulou 314.250 libras (perto de 350 mil euros), que representam o 15.º lugar na Ordem de Mérito da PDC.
Darts: José de Sousa selected for 2021 Premier League
“Special One” makes 2021 Premier League line-up
“I’m over the moon,” says de Sousa
The Professional Darts Corporation (PDC) has announced that Portuguese darts star, José de Sousa, has been included in the line-up for the 2021 Premier League, just a day after the final of the William Hill World Darts Championship.
The Portuguese came crashing out of the Worlds in the third round following a 4-0 defeat to Mervyn King, but his great form throughout 2020 was enough for him to earn one of the six wildcards on offer for the 2021 Premier League.
Speaking to Lusa News Agency, de Sousa said: “It’s wonderful news, because it’s a top-class league which only the ten best players in the world get to play in. This is the best thing that could possibly have happened to me. I’m over the moon.”
The Premier League is an exclusive competition, featuring only the top four players in the PDC Order of Merit and six wildcard holders chosen by the PDC.
The Portuguese then went on to say: “As well as being the fifth-best player [in the world] over the past year, I think the biggest reason behind the organisation’s decision was that I won the Grand Slam [in November]. That really boosted my chances of being picked for the Premier League.”
“The Special One” will be pitted against the four qualifiers from the Order of Merit – Gerwyn Price, Michael van Gerwen, Peter Wright and Rob Cross – and the five other wildcard winners in this year’s competition: Gary Anderson, Glen Durrant, Nathan Aspinall, Dimitri Van den Bergh and another player who will be selected after The Masters, which takes place at the end of this month.
The much-anticipated tournament was originally due to start on 4 February, but it has been postponed due to Covid-19. Although the new start date has yet to be confirmed, the PDC has said that it will “not be before Easter.”
First held in 2005, the Premier League is played over two round-robin stages. The bottom two in the table will leave the competition at the end of the first, while the top four players at the end of the second stage will advance to the Play-Offs, a mini knock-out tournament staged on the final night of the event to determine the overall winner.
“Firstly, I must admit that I’ve never even thought about playing in the Premier League one day. I will just try to win as many games as possible. If I manage to win a few, who’s to say that I won’t win another title,” de Sousa said.
In November 2020, the Portuguese became the first-ever debutant to claim the Grand Slam title, defeating James Wade 16-12 in the final.
This was the greatest achievement ever recorded by a Portuguese darts player on the professional circuit, along with his triumphs at the European Darts Grand Prix in October, and at the Players Championship events in Barnsley and Dublin in 2019.
The 46-year-old was awarded a PDC ProTour Card in 2019, the same year that he left his job as a carpenter to pursue a career in professional darts.
De Sousa’s excellent form in 2020 catapulted him up to fifth place in the ProTour Order of Merit, having earned a total of £63,500 from Players Championship and European Tour events over the course of the year, according to the PDC’s official website.
Over the last two years, the Portuguese has also earned £314,250 through his exploits in ranking events, propelling him up to 15th place in the PDC Order of Merit.
Spanish to English
Snowboarding Review
ARBOR Coda Rocker 2019
El excepcional contacto con el suelo de este modelo versátil lo hace muy seguro y fluido en el canto. Se mantiene vivo a alta velocidad y da la máxima confianza en el freeride.
La Coda sigue cumpliendo a la perfección el papel del mejor y más versátil freeride de la gama Arbor. Esta versión de Coda Rocker se mantiene muy cercana a su hermana arqueada, con una sensación más lúdica y accesible. Por otro lado, la principal ventaja de la Coda sigue siendo su excelente absorción del terreno y su suavidad. El canto invertido bajo los pies -Griptech- funciona perfectamente: el ajuste en el canto es impresionante y, sin embargo, sin agresividad; asegura el contacto con el suelo en toda su longitud. En un radio medio, basta con colocar la espátula y ésta se redondea sola. Añada a esto una buena respuesta al final de la curva para confirmar que el rocker no perturba sus cualidades de carving. Por otro lado, hace que la tabla sea más manejable, con un ollie fácil y efectivo, un toque de freestyle. Esto complementa perfectamente el confort y el contacto con la nieve que se espera de un verdadero freeride completo: se trata una vez más del Arbor en todo su esplendor.
SALOMON Assassin 2019
Es una backcountry muy completa con un excelente contacto con la nieve. Las espátulas ligeramente más flexibles son menos importantes en su comportamiento y hacen que sea accesible a un público más amplio.
El Assassin, un valor seguro en el segmento de los polivalentes de Salomon, ha visto su shape evolucionar ligeramente este año. El público de este versátil estilo backcountry tiende a exigir cada vez más confianza, por lo que este es el trabajo que ha realizado Salomon. El flex más bien flexible y uniforme gana un punto de rigidez entre los pies. A partir de ahora, las espátulas son proporcionalmente más flexibles que el centro, proporcionando así suavidad y accesibilidad a un público más amplio. La tabla mantiene su gran contacto con la nieve, lo que le permite manejar todo tipo de terreno sin perder la comodidad. Es una tabla con un soporte sólido pero sin necesidad de un flex rígido, lo que ayuda a trabajar sobre sus deformaciones y enriquece su pilotaje. Mediante el uso de la torsión, es fácil controlar y variar los radios. Este año encontramos de nuevo un backcountry excelente, más progresivo y fácil, con un ollie más suave. Esto le permite distinguirse mejor de la versión profesional más reactiva.
ARBOR Coda Rocker 2019
This versatile model’s excellent on-snow contact ensures a smooth, secure edge hold. The board remains lively at high speed and instils the utmost confidence in its users when freeriding.
The Coda remains without doubt the best and most versatile freeride in the Arbor range. Although the Coda Rocker version is very similar to the Coda Camber, it is more playful and easier to control. The Coda’s greatest feature, however, continues to be its excellent ground absorption and smoothness. The additional contact points under foot created by the board’s sidecut design (Griptech technology) work perfectly, leading to a tremendous improvement in edge control, without the need to show aggression, and ensuring on-snow contact with the entire length of the board. To perform medium-radius turns, only on-snow contact with the spatula is required, which will carve into the snow by itself. The board also responds well when coming out of the turn, ensuring that the rocker does not impede its carving capabilities. This also makes the board easier to use, enabling a simple, yet effective ollie – a touch of freestyle. This perfectly complements the comfort and on-snow contact expected from a true absolute freeride. The Coda Rocker is yet another Arbor board in all its glory.
SALOMON Assassin 2019
The almost absolute backcountry with excellent on-snow contact. Its slightly more flexible spatulas have a lesser impact on its performance and make it user-friendly for a wider public.
The shape of the Assassin, a safe bet in Salomon’s all-terrain snowboard range, has evolved slightly this year. Users tend to ask for greater confidence in this versatile backcountry, and this was Salomon’s answer. Its rather variable, soft flex leads to slight stiffness between the feet. The spatulas are now proportionally more flexible than the centre, making it smoother and user-friendly for a wider public. By maintaining good on-snow contact, the board is suitable for use on all types of terrain, without compromising comfort. This board offers solid support without the need for a stiff flex, facilitating bending and enhancing steering. Through torsion, it is easy to control and steer radius turns. This year, we find yet again another excellent backcountry, which is steadier, easier to use, and with a smoother ollie, making it easier to distinguish this board from the more responsive professional version.
Spanish to English
Football Article
La contundencia que le falta al Atlético la tiene Morata en la Juventus
El delantero cedido por el Atlético de Madrid firma su mejor arranque goleador como profesional.
“El Bayern es un equipo contundente que aprovechó su situación, en el fútbol la contundencia paga. Hicimos un partido bueno, donde podemos llevarnos cosas y otras que hay que corregir. Nos faltó contundencia”. El análisis de Diego Pablo Simeone, entrenador del Atlético de Madrid, sobre el partido fue claro.
La diferencia en la goleada ante el actual campeón de Europa estuvo en la diferencia de efectividad. El Bayern marcó cuatro goles, remató 16 veces. Pudo haber marcado más goles. Tuvo una tasa de conversión de un 33%. Por contra, el Atlético tuvo seis remates, uno solo a puerta. Lejos de poder haber hecho daño real. No por falta de oportunidades, que las tuvo, sino por la falta de efectividad.
Un problema que en la temporada pasada lastró al Atlético y que veremos si en la presente campaña se resuelve. Es irónico que en esta jornada de la Champions se haya visto un equipo rojiblanco con ese problema cuando un delantero del propio Atlético de Madrid se encuentra en su mejor momento como profesional.
Claro, pero no milita ahora mismo en el equipo rojiblanco, sino en la Juventus. En Italia destacan que Álvaro Morata está ‘on fire’ ahora mismo. Tres goles en sus últimos dos partidos para marcar el mejor arranque goleador de su carrera en cuanto a ratio de goles marcados y minutos.
A lo mejor tiene que ver con el propio concepto de juego de unos y otros. Y no tanto de las cualidades de cada uno. El madrileño cumplió en el curso pasado, 16 goles y dos asistencias así lo demuestran. La falta de gol del Atlético no fue precisamente su responsabilidad. Sin embargo fue él el que acabó saliendo en el mercado de verano porque no se pudo encontrar acomodo a Diego Costa, que ahora vuelve a estar lesionado.
En la Juventus, el madrileño ha encontrado un equipo ofensivo que se está aprovechando de su potencial para marcar. El delantero español anotó en Crotone y dos veces en el Dinamo de Kiev y es el mejor hombre de Pirlo. Nunca antes en su carrera había marcado tres goles en tan pocos minutos de juego.
Por el momento el delantero español lleva una media de un gol por partido, con tres tantos en 238 minutos. Tomando como parámetro esas tres dianas, vemos que es una marca personal que solo se puede acercar en la primera temporada en el Chelsea. En la que marcó un gol cada 245.
En su primera etapa en Turín en 2014 promedió 371 para cada gol y en el Atlético de Madrid, en su primera temporada, 374 para cada tanto. En el Real Madrid, más de 500 minutos. Recordemos que el jugador madrileño está cedido en la Juventus, que tiene una opción de compra por él.
Just two goals in four games for on-fire Morata’s parent club Atletico
The on-loan Atletico Madrid striker Alvaro Morata is currently in the best goalscoring form of his professional career at Juventus.
Diego Simeone’s take on his side’s encounter with Bayern Munich was quite clear: “Bayern are a ruthless team that make the most of their opportunities. You have to be clinical to win football matches. We played well, there are positives we can take from our performance, and there are things we need to work on. We weren’t ruthless enough in our finishing.”
The hammering suffered by Atletico at the hands of the reigning European champions was down to their opponents being far more clinical in front of goal. Bayern scored with four of their 16 efforts on goal, and could easily have got more, recording a shot conversion rate of 33%. However, only one of Atletico’s six shots at goal was on target, barely troubling the opposition. They had the opportunities, but just didn’t take them. They lacked clinical finishing.
This problem haunted them last season, so it will be interesting to see whether they find a solution to their goalscoring woes during the current campaign. It’s ironic that Atletico struggled to find the back of the net during this Champions League game when one of their own strikers is currently in the best goalscoring form of his professional career on loan at Juventus.
Atletico could do with seeing him Morata in red and white right now, who is “on fire” at the moment according to the Italians. He’s found the net three times in his last two games — the best best form of his career to date if we look at his minutes-to-goal ratio.
Perhaps this is more to do with football being a team sport than his personal ability, as the Spaniard scored 16 goals and registered two assists last season. Nevertheless, although Atletico’s lack of goals during the previous campaign wasn’t exactly his fault, Morata was still shown the door during the summer transfer window, with Diego Costa, who is currently side-lined through injury, being preferred up top.
The Madrid-born striker has found an attacking team in Juventus that makes the most of its scoring opportunities. He got his name on the scoresheet in the draw at Crotone, he bagged himself a brace in the 2-0 victory over Dynamo Kiev, and he is now Pirlo’s main man. Never before in his career has he scored three goals in such a short space of time.
The Spanish forward is currently averaging half a goal per game, having scored three in just 238 minutes. Only during his first season at Chelsea has he ever come close before to equalling his current personal best form, where he averaged a goal every 245 minutes.
During his first spell at Juventus in 2014, he averaged a goal every 371 minutes, as opposed to one every 374 minutes during his first season at Atletico Madrid. However, at Real Madrid, his average was over 500 minutes per goal. It’s also worth reminding ourselves that Morata is only on loan at Juventus, with the Italian club having the option to make the deal permanent in the summer.
Spanish to English
Tourism Board Website
Cataluña es tu casa
Oír, ver, oler, tocar, probar… sentir. Hay mil motivos para acercarte a Cataluña.
Si por algo nos conocen es por ser expertos en Cataluña. Como queremos que la disfrutes tanto como nosotros, te ponemos a un clic un montón de experiencias que podrás comprar desde el sofá de casa. Bienvenido a Experience Catalunya.
Pasea por el interior de un volcán, visita la obra del estudio RCR en La Garrotxa y Palamós de la mano de un arquitecto, observa las estrellas en uno de los mejores cielos en condiciones lumínicas de Europa o recorre el litoral de las Terres de l'Ebre en kayak y practicando snorkel. Estas son algunas de las propuestas que puedes reservar.
Visita Experience Catalunya y reserva tu próxima aventura.
Descubre Cataluña
Si viajas a Cataluña, volverás a repetir la visita. Quizá has hecho submarinismo en alguna cala de la Costa Brava y has jugado con tus hijos en las playas de la Costa Daurada. Quizá también has recorrido alguno de los parajes naturales de los Pirineos, incluso has practicado senderismo por Aigüestortes.
Te queda mucho por descubrir de Cataluña: los genios universales que se han inspirado en esta tierra, los Pueblos con Encanto y los Pueblecitos Marineros, las 'viles florides' Aquí van algunas propuestas que te harán volver a Cataluña.
Degusta la Cataluña de los 'foodies'
La cocina catalana es el paisaje puesto en la cazuela, como decía el escritor Josep Pla. La esencia mediterránea impregna nuestra gastronomía tradicional, que incluye platos célebres como los canelones o la crema catalana. Este legado histórico ha inspirado las propuestas innovadoras de cocineros como los hermanos Roca, Ferran Adrià o Carme Ruscalleda. El pasado y la vanguardia gastronómica han hecho del producto de calidad y proximidad la base de su recetario, que ha convertido a Cataluña en referente culinario internacional.
¿Te apetece probar la gastronomía catalana?
Actívate y disfruta de la naturaleza
¿Qué te gusta más? ¿Disfrutar del aire libre? Pues si vienes a Cataluña, estarás en el sitio adecuado. Tiene un sinfín de espacios naturales para disfrutar... Amplios, verdes, montañosos, marineros, nevados y soleados. Puedes dedicarte a hacer lo que más te guste: ocio o aventura, observación o actividad física. Por tierra, mar o aire. Tú eliges, y seguro que lo harás bien.
Si te gusta la montaña, tenemos todas las pistas de esquí de los Pirineos de Cataluña, la red de caminos de largo y pequeño recorrido para practicar senderismo, las vías verdes para practicar el cicloturismo, los paseos a caballo, los barrancos... ¿O quizás te gusta más salir con la BTT? ¡Perfecto! En Cataluña hay 18 centros dedicados a esta especialidad.
Si te gusta más la playa, te esperan la calas escondidas del Mediterráneo, los 'kayaks' para que navegues por el mar y el mejor fondo marino para explorar. Si hablamos de agua, no te puedes perder la tranquilidad del Delta de l'Ebre y la adrenalina del 'rafting' y del 'hidrospeed' en los ríos de montaña.
Pero si lo que quieres es probarlo todo y no quedarte sólo con una opción, puedes ir de las Terres de Lleida a los paisajes a vista de pájaro en globo o en un parapente, o incluso en ala delta, en helicóptero o en avión bimotor. También puedes ir por tu cuenta y probar el paracaidismo y la caída libre en Castelló d'Empúries-Empuriabrava, uno de los referentes europeos.
Escojas lo que escojas, vive la naturaleza en Cataluña.
Catalonia at your fingertips
Let your senses run wild in Catalonia — a region with plenty to offer.
We're famed for our expert knowledge of Catalonia, and we hope you'll love our region as much as we do. So sit back and relax, and enjoy our unforgettable experiences, which you can buy with just the click of a button from the comfort of your own home. Welcome to Experience Catalunya.
Delve inside a volcano, take an architect’s guided tour of estudio RCR’s property developments in La Garrotxa and Palamós, stargaze under one of Europe’s brightest night skies, and explore the coastline of Terres de l’Ebre in a kayak or while snorkelling. These are just some of experiences you can book with us.
Visit Experience Catalunya and book your next adventure.
Discover Catalonia
If you visit Catalonia, these virtual experiences will become reality. You may have scuba dived in a bay along the Costa Brava and played with your children on the beaches of the Costa Daurada. You may have also strolled through one of the natural beauty spots of the Pyrenees, or even gone hiking in the Aigüestortes National Park.
There is so much more of Catalonia to discover: the universal geniuses inspired by this region, our charming villages and small seaside towns, and our array of beautiful flower displays are just some of the things you'll keep coming back for.
Indulge yourself in Catalan cuisine
As the writer Josep Pla once said, Catalan cuisine represents the region's landscape on a plate. Our traditional cuisine, which features famous dishes such as caneloni and crema catalana is imbued with the essence of the Mediterranean. These historic dishes have inspired the innovative creations of many chefs, including the Roca brothers, Ferran Adrià and Carme Ruscalleda. Thanks to Catalonia's illustrious gastronomical past and cutting-edge cuisine, which have put local, quality products at the heart of Catalan recipes, our dishes are regarded as some of the best in the world.
Do you fancy tasting Catalan dishes?
Get active and enjoy nature
What do you enjoy most? Being out in the fresh air? If so, Catalonia is the place to be. Bask in the delight of our region’s vast, green, mountainous, coastal, snow-covered and sun-swept natural spaces. Do whatever tickles your fancy and enjoy it to the max: leisure or adventure activities, physical exercise, or taking in the stunning views, whether on the ground, at sea or from up above.
With us, you can ski down the slopes of the Catalan Pyrenees, explore our network of short and long green cycle trails, go horse riding, visit breathtaking cliffs, or even enjoy a nice bit of mountain-biking, with 18 centres dedicated exclusively to this activity in Catalonia.
Our beaches and coastlines also have a lot to offer, including the hidden coves of the Mediterranean, enthralling kayaking adventures and a spectacular seabed. And if that wasn't enough, you can even sail the calm waters of the River Ebre delta and experience the unmissable adrenaline rush of rafting and hydrospeeding down mountain rivers.
And if you fancy doing a bit of everything, why not enjoy a bird's-eye view of the Catalonian landscape in a hot-air balloon or while paragliding from Terres de Lleida? You could also fly over the region n a hang glider, helicopter or twin-engined aeroplane, or even try your hand at skydiving or free falling at one of Europe’s flagship centres in Castelló d'Empúries-Empuriabrava.
Whatever you choose to do in Catalonia, our region's natural beauty is not to be missed.
French to English
Travel Brochure
Sao Tomé-et-Principe
Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter notre nouvelle destination: Sao Tomé-et-Principe. Un petit paradis tropical, où les plages de sable fin se marient avec la verdure d’une forêt vierge.
Découvrez cette nouvelle destination écologique avec nos excursions d’une journée entière et nos circuits saveurs et couleurs, nature vierge ainsi que les chemins des Roças. Laissez-vous tenter par São Tomé, l’île surnommé « Chocolat ».
L’archipel de Sao Tomé-et-Principe est formé par deux îles volcaniques – São Tomé et Principe – et divers îlots. Il se situe dans le continent africain, au-dessous de la ligne de l’Équateur, dans le Golf de Guinée, 220 km du Gabon. Le climat tropical de cette destination bénéficie d’une température moyenne annuelle de 28°C, une humidité élevée (autour de 70-80°C) et une saison des pluies qui va d’octobre à mai.
En termes de paysages, ces deux îles sont des points verts entourés par le bleu de l’Atlantique dans lesquels la nature est restée pratiquement intacte depuis les premières colonisations et où ont été recensées près de 800 plantes dont 120 sont endémiques. Nous proposons de vous faire découvrir cette nouvelle destination tropicale et accueillante grâce à la sympathie et gentillesse de ses habitants, particulièrement attentionnés avec les touristes, la musique traditionnelle et à la gastronomie riche en poissons et fruits de mer accompagnés d’un large choix de fruits exotiques.
Tour de ville
Accueillante et pleine de charme, São Tomé est la capitale et la plus grande agglomération de l’archipel. En passant par la baie d'Ana Chaves et son port, vous découvrirez le fort de São Sebastião – transformé en musée national –, la cathédrale Sé, le Palais présidentiel, les archives historiques, la bibliothèque nationale, le Palais des Congrès et le marché municipal. Cette excursion est une opportunité unique pour un premier contact avec la vie et l’histoire santoméennes.
Route du cacao
Après la visite des villes de Guadalupe et Neves, l’excursion se poursuivra en direction des plantations de Diogo Vaz, où vous pourrez apprécier tout le processus de production et transformation du cacao. Sur le chemin du retour, vous visiterez le pavillon d’Anambô – lieu historique où débarquèrent les premiers colons portugais – puis Monteforte, ancienne plantation de cacao, aujourd’hui en grande partie adaptée au tourisme rural.
Route du café
Début de l’excursion à Trinidade, ville où eut lieu le massacre de Batepá en 1953, puis continuation en direction de la plantation Monte Café – le plus grand producteur de café arabica – la Pousada Boa Vista, la plantation Nova Moca,la cascade de São Nicolau et le jardin botanique, où vous découvrirez de magnifiques exemples de flore tropicale et de plantes médicinales et endémiques importées, ainsi que la plus grande concentration d’espèces d’orchidées de l’archipel de São Tomé-et-Principe. Puis, vous partirez également en excursion pédestre en pleine forêt jusqu’au lagon Amélia, ancien cratère situé dans un endroit privilégié pour admirer la végétation de l’île.
São Tomé and Príncipe
We are delighted to offer you a new destination, São Tomé and Príncipe, a small tropical paradise where sandy beaches blend perfectly with its lush, green rainforests.
Discover this new eco-friendly destination through our day trips, our taste and colour tours, unspoiled nature and the Roças trails, where there were once extensive plantations. Let São Tomé and Príncipe - the “Chocolate Islands” – work their magic on you.
The archipelago of São Tomé and Príncipe consists of two volcanic islands – São Tomé and Príncipe – and various islets. It is situated on the African continent in the Gulf of Guinea, 220 Km off the coast of Gabon, and lies below the equator. The island has a tropical climate, with an average annual temperature of 28°C, and a rainy season lasting from October to May. It is also extremely humid (around 70-80°C).
Since they were first colonised, nature has almost been fully preserved on these green islands surrounded by the clear blue waters of the Atlantic. They are also home to 800 species of plants, of which 120 are endemic. Come with us and discover this new tropical destination where the friendly and helpful locals are especially welcoming to tourists. Experience its folk music, as well as its rich fish- and seafood-based cuisine supplemented by a wide range of exotic fruits.
City tour
Welcoming and extremely alluring, São Tomé is the capital and largest city on the archipelago. Passing through Ana Chaves Bay, you will discover the São Sebastião fortress, which is now the national museum; Sé Cathedral; the Presidential Palace; the historical archives; the national library; the Congress Centre; and the Municipal Market. This tour is an excellent introduction to the life and history of São Tomé.
Cocoa trail
After visiting the towns of Guadalupe and Neves, we will head towards the Diogo Vaz plantations, where you will learn everything there is to know about cacao production and processing. As we begin to head back towards our starting point, we will visit Padrão dos Descobrimentos in Anambô, where Portuguese colonialists first set foot on the island of São Tomé, followed by Roça Monteforte, an old cocoa plantation now mostly given over to rural tourism.
Coffee trail
Our tour will start in Trinidade, where the Batepa Massacre took place in 1953. We will then make our way towards the Monte Café plantation – the island’s largest Arabica coffee producer – and the Pousada Boa Vista. We will also visit the Nova Moca plantation, the São Nicolau waterfalls and the Bom successo botanical gardens, where you will discover a wonderful array of tropical flora, endemic and imported medicinal plants, and the largest concentration of orchid species on the archipelago of São Tomé and Príncipe. We will then take a walk deep into the rainforest to see Amélia Lagoon, a former volcanic crater lake offering a breathtaking view of São Tomé's natural landscape.
French to English
Tourist Train Audio Guide
Mesdames, Messieurs, chers petits visiteurs, bonjour et bienvenue à Belfort. Nous sommes heureux de vous accueillir pour un voyage au coeur d’un ville qui allie dynamisme et tradition. Dominée par la Citadelle et le célèbre Lion de Bartholdi, cette cité de 52 000 habitants recèle nombre de richesses patrimoniales à visiter. Avec ses façades colorées, ses fortifications Vauban et ses ruelles animées, la Vieille Ville de Belfort se prête à la promenade en famille ou entre amis. Alors en route pour la découverte de la Cité du Lion.
Depuis cet emplacement et en élevant votre regard, vous bénéficiez d’une vue imprenable sur la Citadelle et le Lion de BARTHOLDI achevé à l’automne 1880 mais inauguré seulement en 2011. Adossé au rocher, ce monument de 22 m de long et 11 m de haut est l’emblème de Belfort, le symbole de la liberté et de la résistance héroïque de la ville face à l’armée prussienne en 1870.
Notre circuit vous conduira à la Citadelle où vous pourrez plonger dans ses entrailles ou simplement admirer le panorama sur la ville et les collines environnantes. Pour l’heure, nous allons pénétrer dans l’enceinte pentagonale de VAUBAN via un passage aménagé dans la muraille.
A la fin du 17ième siècle, alors que Belfort est une bourgade seigneuriale dont la position stratégique, entre Vosges et Jura et entre Alsace et Bourgogne, lui confère une position naturelle de passage, le roi LOUIS XIV confie à l’ingénieur VAUBAN le projet de fortifier la Ville.
La rampe qui conduit à la Citadelle a été aménagée par le général HAXO en 1822, comme la porte d’entrée du pont-levis empruntée par le train touristique. Par ce pont-levis et cette porte, nous allons contourner la Tour des Bourgeois.
Tous les ouvrages situés entre la tour des Bourgeois et la Citadelle ont été aménagés par le général HAXO vers 1825-1826.
Nous allons nous arrêter une dizaine de minutes. Nous vous invitons à vous détendre au café restaurant de la Citadelle ou à vous rendre à la terrasse où vous pourrez profiter de l’admirable panorama sur les Vosges du sud et les premiers contreforts du Jura. Nous vous conseillons aussi la visite du Musée d’Histoire qui outre les nombreux objets caractéristiques de la vie militaire et de l’histoire locale, réserve un vaste espace muséographique à Bartholdi, le célèbre sculpteur du Lion de Belfort.
Nous allons longer les quais de la Savoureuse. A votre droite l’Octroi. Cette maisonnette de briques roses était le lieu de passage obligé des marchands qui y faisaient peser leurs produits avant de payer l’octroi perçu par la ville.
La promenade en petit train s’achève ici. Nous vous souhaitons un agréable séjour dans notre Ville où nous vous invitons à flâner et à découvrir ses atouts tel que son terroir. Outre le vieux Belfort, le charme de ses ruelles, ses curiosités et la qualité architecturale de ses bâtiments, vous pourrez découvrir le Belfort moderne avec ses grands magasins, ses galeries marchandes et ses rues piétonnes.
Si vous préférez les espaces naturels, vous ne serez pas en reste. Notre département attire par sa nature préservée et permet aux visiteurs d’observer les contrastes surprenants des couleurs des forêts, des teintes de vert et de bleu des lacs et rivières.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, hello and welcome to Belfort. We are delighted to welcome you on a journey through the heart of our dynamic, traditional city. Overlooked by the citadel and Bartholdi’s famous Lion of Belfort, there are many heritage treasures to explore in this city of 52,000 people. With its colourful facades, fortifications designed by Vauban, and bustling narrow streets, the old town of Belfort is an ideal place to stroll around with family or friends. Let’s now discover the “city of the lion.”
If you look up from this point, you will have a clear view of the citadel and Bartholdi’s Lion of Belfort, which, despite being completed in the autumn of 1880, was only first opened to the public in 2011. Backing onto a rocky outcrop, this 22m-long and 11-m tall monument represents the emblem of Belfort, the symbol of the city’s freedom and heroic resistance in the face of the Prussian army in 1870.
Our tour will lead you all the way to the citadel, where you can explore its finer details or simply admire the view of the city and the surrounding hills. For now, we will use a passageway to make our way through Vauban’s pentagonal city wall.
In the late 17th Century, a time when Belfort served as a small feudal city due to its strategic location between the Vosges and Jura mountain ranges, and Alsace and Burgundy, the city naturally became a point of passage. King Louis XIV therefore entrusted the military engineer Vauban with the task of fortifying Belfort.
The approach to the citadel, the entrance gate and the drawbridge our train crosses were built by General Haxo in 1822. The drawbridge and gate will take us around the Tour des Bourgeois. All the structures between the Tour des Bourgeois and the citadel were built by General Haxo around 1825-1826.
We will stop here for ten minutes or so, where you can unwind in the restaurant or enjoy the magnificent view of the Southern Vosges and the Jura foothills from the terrace. We would also recommend a visit to the History Museum, where many objects typically associated with military life and Belfort’s local history are displayed and a large museographic space is dedicated to Bartholdi, the famous sculptor of the Lion of Belfort.
We will now make our way along the quays of the Savoureuse River. The small red-brick building that you can see on your right is known as the Octroi. This was the office where traders had to stop and weigh their goods before paying the excise duty collected by the city.
The tourist-train tour ends here. We wish you a pleasant stay in our city, which you are welcome to explore at your leisure, and we hope you'll enjoy the local landscape as much as we do. And just so you know, as well as the old town – with its charming narrow streets, various points of interest and impressive architecture – there are also department stores, shopping centres and pedestrian areas to explore in contemporary Belfort.
And if you love open spaces, you'll be spoilt for choice in Belfort. Our region attracts visitors from far and wide through its natural beauty, with astonishing colour contrasts in its forests and the blue-green hues of its lakes and rivers.